
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Farewell, Phil Hughes..

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I will be penning this article. But fate is cruel and unforgiving. Phillip Joel Hughes, who was hopeful of getting a recall into the Australian test team, was struck by a bouncer on the 25th of November. Instead of battling for a place in the team, he was battling for his life. Who would've seen this coming? 

He underwent a surgery to relieve the pressure on his skull, and remained critical, and was kept alive using life support. The entire cricket community was shocked by this freak accident. Everyone kept praying for good news. But alas, that was not to be. On the 27th of November, just THREE days before his 26th birthday, Hughes tragically passed away. His loss at such a young age saddened every cricket lover across the globe. People started tweeting condolences on the loss of such a young, promising talent. I personally never followed many of his matches. But I was unable to come to terms with his untimely death. The lad was just 25 years old; he had his entire life ahead of him. Had he not been felled by that dreadful bouncer, he would've been celebrating his 26th birthday, awaiting his opportunity to cement his place in the Australian squad. What was most disturbing was the fact that he never would've anticipated that his dreams are forever going to remain unfulfilled. Who can predict death? We all know that life is transient; anything can happen anytime. But we live with a false sense of security that life will be kind to us. We see people dying everyday, but never for a moment accept the fact that the same could happen to us. We think we still have time to accomplish all that we have ever wanted to. But as they say, we are not living everyday; we are simply cheating death each day.No One   knows when the last goodbye is. We never know when we are meeting a person for the last time. If we did, we would never let go of that person. Many a times, feelings are left unexpressed, only to discover that they are to remain that way forever, cause the person is no more. 

Whenever someone dies, all that I can think of is that their ambitions are unfulfilled. Their dreams are shattered. Rifts in relationships have probably not been mended. Goodbyes have been left unsaid.
They say time heals wounds, but I disagree. Time never heals anything. If it did, you would never be overcome with emotions when you come across anything that reminds you of a deceased loved one. Time just teaches you to live with the pain; it teaches you to get used to it. And every time you see or hear something connected with the person who is no more, the gash gets a little deeper, the wound is reopened once again, till you learn to live with it all over again.

Phil Hughes was a bright, young, talented guy who deserved to live for many more years. His death has impacted me so very deeply. Its been 6 days since his demise, but I have not been able to stop thinking about him even for a second. 
Wherever you're buddy, I love you. I miss your charming billion dollar smile. If at all you're looking down at us mortals, I know you'd be beaming with pride and happiness. 
To a life cut tragically short by the cruel intervention of fate, Rest In Peace Champion.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Coping with exam pressure

My exams are in about a month, and I am extremely stressed.
I have been the topper throughout; both in school and college. I scored 95% in my twelfth boards, with a centum in mathematics. I breezed through school, but college life hasn't been so kind. I still manage to top the exams; I scored the highest marks in UAE in three out of five papers; but I am no longer the person who would walk about without a care a day before the exam and the results. I still loll about the day before my exams, but the eve of the results manages to kill all my enthusiasm, and at times, even my will to live. I am not kidding! I do pass with flying colors at the end, but the night before results, I fidget nervously. Neither do I eat in peace, nor do I let others do so. 

Studying definitely is a daunting process, irrespective of how very intelligent you are, all thanks to the sheer volume of information that you are expected to absorb. The thickness of the books makes my head spin in horror. Am I really supposed to study ALL THAT?!! Just because someone is in University,   their memory size doesn't automatically expand by 200GB! Our brains do evolve ( or atleast, it is believed that they do! ) as we grow, helping us store more information. But it is just unrealistic to expect someone to regurgitate volumes and volumes of complex information in less than three months! Most students struggle to manage their time, thereby performing poorly! However, since there is no option available other than understanding and applying the vast ocean of knowledge embedded in textbooks, I feel that there are certain ways to help you somehow tide over these extremely "testing" times!!

1) Sleep well! Getting enough sleep is a sure shot way to ensure your brain is relaxed after all the torture you have subjected it to. Get atleast 7-8 hours of sleep.

2) Don't skip meals! EVER! Not eating well will result in crankiness, and difficulty in concentrating too. I have experienced this personally!

3) Plan your schedule. This is easier said than done. Though I always chart out a plan, I seldom stick to it. If I did, I would secure much more marks than I am getting presently.

4) Don't fret! You have to study everything; theres no other go. Worrying will not help you in any way; rather, you will be wasting your precious time that could have been well spent in studying! 

5) Revise all the difficult portions twice. You can spend less time studying the easier parts of the syllabus; concentrate on the hard ones!!

6) DONT REVISE AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR!! This is very important! Revising minutes before entering the exam hall will do you more harm than good! You tend to feel that you don't know anything; even those lessons that you studied thoroughly will seem vague. Studying at the last minute is suicidal! 

7) Forget about the exam once you're done with it! Don't ever discuss the answers once you come out of the hall. This is important to maintain your sanity. Performing a post-mortem of the paper will cause unnecessary stress; you can not change what you have written, so whats the point in knowing that you've answered a particular question wrong? Thats what the result day is meant for- you will eventually come to know how well you've performed! So stop going over the answers with your friends; chances are that your peers are completely wrong!

These tips have helped me, but the anxiety that comes with the knowledge that you have to appear for  a very tough exam soon is inevitable! All we can do is give it our everything and leave the rest to God!

Wish me luck for the exams!! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The miracles of makeup!

Quite a few people whom I know very well spurred me to write this post. I am talking about Sonam Kapoor, Cameron Diaz, Penelope Cruz and a few other actresses. Yes! I do know them quite well. Too bad that they don't know me, though. 

I was tired of studying, so I decided to take a break, and google pictures of actresses without pancake. Why? Because, I desperately wanted to console myself that there are people in this world whose concerns are much more serious than mine. These actresses have to deal with grave problems such as being spotted without all the greasepaint; they worry about people coming to know how they ACTUALLY look. I, on the other hand, have minor tensions to deal with, such as, securing great marks, landing a good paying job, keeping my parents happy and so on. These are nothing in front of what the actresses fret about, right?

The results that showed up astonished me, to say the least. (The stark difference in the photos was akin to the one between a photoshopped and an original picture. I personally know of many people who, apart from applying insane amounts of makeup, also edit their pictures so much, that if they walked past me, I would hardly recognise them. I had an irresistible urge to upload their pictures too, but knowing that they will probably sue me upon discovering that I have uploaded their "real" pictures for the world to see, I stopped myself from doing so! ) 

Have wrinkles? Darkspots? Dull and sagging skin? Eyebags and dark circles?! ALL you have to do is spend a fortune on finding a good makeup artist. You then don't have to worry at all. The makeup artist will work her magic using high-end beauty products and transform you from looking like a bindlestiff to a ravishing beauty queen! 

Though  taken aback at first on seeing what google showed me, I was elated too, because, I realised that I am a bombshell compared to these "lovely" ladies sans makeup. Not only me, almost 1/3rd of all the women are divas when compared with the heavily decked-up actresses. Don't believe me? Scroll down and take a good look at the pictures. You will be utterly shocked to know that your favourite actress no where resembles her on-screen self when she is not wearing any war paint!  

1) Mila Kunis
Don't tell me I didn't warn you! Would you believe that the person on the left and the right are the same?!

2) Hillary Duff
Not so sexy in the picture on the left!

3) Sofia Vergara
Not a belle without cosmetics, huh?

4) Victoria's Secret Models
Anyone planning on applying for the job?

5) Shilpa Shetty
The transformation has been dramatic. Though a large part of it can be attributed to surgery, makeup definitely plays a hugs role in making her look stunning! 

6) Sonam Kapoor
Magic of makeup, guys! All you need to look good is 3 inches of MAKEUP! Viola!

7) Cameron Diaz
Diaz manages to look flawless with greasepaint. A little heartbroken on seeing her picture on the left? 

8) Goldie Hawn
A picture is worth a thousand words. I am referring to the one on the left.

9) AnnaLynn McCord
Spotted, dull skin on the left; spotless glowing skin on the right! 

10) Renee Zellwegger
Still have a crush on her?

11) Penelope Cruz
In one photo, she looks stunning; in the other, shes just like an average woman. And recently she was voted as the sexiest woman alive. Hmm!

AND people ask me why I have trust issues!! 

All images sourced from Google.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Don't have money? Fake it!

Note: The word 'fake' in the title, in no way whatsoever purports to mean another four letter word beginning with the same letter, which sounds similar to the one used, because by virtue of being decent, I always refrain from using  those type of words which would effectively constitute profanity! Now continue reading the rest of the post.

So, in today's glamorous world, where everyone tries to impress everyone else with the help of those oh-so-cool brands, luxury goods manufacturers have effectively taken advantage of the situation to manipulate people's opinions to make big bucks. People wish to be known by their association with brands. "I always buy only Louis Vuitton bags/I use only Marc Jacobs/I love shopping from Gucci" and so on! Their never ending ramblings about how they manage to buy these luxury goods, even though that means that they have to starve for a week always infuriate me! "Whats in a brand after all?", I used to argue and dismiss their bragging; until I bought one such commodity myself. 

My friends keep flooding social networking sites with pictures of all uber expensive branded items that they buy with their fathers' hard earned money. I always go through their posts; note what the others have to say ( but I make sure that I never comment or click like, even inadvertently). I never have understood why people are congratulated for having purchased Burberry shoes or Calvin Klein undies. One such post, however tempted me into buying an MK bag. My friend ( Ms.A) had posted about how she has a huge collection of neon coloured MK bags, and how badly she wants to expand her assemblage of expensive bags. Being too embarassed to ask her how much it cost her, I googled the price. Different sites quoted different prices, but the model that she had posted about came close to about $300. Quickly converting the amount into AED, I realized that it would overshoot my original budget by a HUGE margin. (My budget however, doesn't mean that I was going to pay for it!) To be sure that the bag would not make me shell out ANY more extra bucks, I decided that there was no harm in privately contacting Ms.A to find out how much she had paid for them. She however failed to reply, so I decided to go and find out the price from the official store. I could've rung up the store to gauge the price, but if they quoted a huge sum, I would've convinced myself NOT to splurge so much on a BAG. So the best option was to visit the store, find out the price, and walk out of the store with a heavy heart, which would prompt my dad to buy it for me! I am an evil genius! *winks*

 So, I proceeded to  convince my parents into getting me one, stating all the qualities of the bag that I perceived it to possess, and explained to them why no other bag would serve my needs. They gave in, and we went bag hunting the same day. 

The official MK shop had a nasty surprise in store for me. It was way too pricier than I had expected it to be after almost 1.5 hours of surfing the web. There was no point in going back home empty handed, and my dad insisted that I buy a branded one, so we sheepishly walked out of the store to see what the other stores in the mall had to offer. 
After checking out over 7 stores, I found out that all the other brands were even more expensive, and worse still, they came with no warranty; MK offered one year warranty. 

So after pointless strolling, we again walked back into the MK store. The shopkeeper looked at us smugly and declared loudly "Welcome back sir!". As if I wanted him to acknowledge our presence! Talk about storekeepers and their sarcasm! Huh! Anyway, once we FINALLY confirmed the price with the salesman after some deliberation, and we'd ensured that it would last me for a long, long time, we proceeded to pay and I walked out of the store beaming with pride. It was my first ever branded possession; I promised the bag that I would take care of it till my last breath.

Once I came back home elated, I logged into the devious Facebook (that had caused all this fuss to begin with); not to update a status that would be something similar to "Bought my first MK bag! :D feeling happy with Ms.A and 10 others", but to see if Ms.A had replied to my message. She certainly had. It went like this:

" Hey! Nice to hear from you after long! Well, those MK bags that I had posted about, umm, well, I bought them from an online store for AED 300 (approx $90). :P Who would spend over 1000 AED on a bag? Lol! I can send you the link if you want! They have over 50 pieces that look just like genuine MK bags!! :D You can buy 4-5 bags at the price of an original one!!! ;)"

PS: Lessons learnt :-
       1) NEVER, I repeat, NEVER trust ANYTHING on social networking sites. Well you can if you want to be fooled, though! This is also evident from the profile pictures on such sites that in no way bear any resemblance to the person.
      2) Don't be an idiot! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lyrics that make no sense!

Few days back I was humming the tune of a popular Hindi song when I realised that the lyrics made just no amount of sense at all. So my wicked mind began thinking of more such nonsensical songs that could very well constitute a blog post. Being the forgetful person I am, I will list all those songs that come to my mind. I will update the list as and when I remember new ones! *sly smile*

Here goes:

1) Hum tum ik kamre mein band ho: (Hindi)

Hum tum ik kamre main band ho, aur chabhi kho jaye.
(We both are locked in a room, and the key goes missing)

Chabhi ko bhi saath main le jaana chahiye tha na? (Should've taken the keys along, no?!) 

Hum tum ik kamre main band ho, aur sher aa jaye!
(We both are locked in a room, when suddenly a lion sprints into it)

Seriously?! Are you guys locked in a room or a cage in a zoo? Ho kya raha hain huh? Kabhi chabhi ghoom ho jati hain to kabhi sher bhag aata hain?!! Ho kidhar aakhir tum log? (What on earth is happening guys? At times you lose your keys, at times a lion skedaddles into your room!! Where are you guys, after all?!!)

2) Show me the meaning of being lonely: 

Life goes on, as it never ends;
Eyes of stone, observe the trends;
They never say, forever gaze if only!
Beauty rose, to an endless love, 
Theres no control, are you with me now?!
Your every wish, will be done they tell me!

Huh? I have listened to this song over a 1000 times, but never have been able to figure out what these lines mean. Your every wish, they tell me? Who are they?! *scratching my head*

3) Kabhi jo badal barse: (Hindi)

.. Main khud ko pagal kehloon, tu ghum de khushiyan sehloon saathiya,
... Pehle kabhi, na tune mujhe ghum dia!
Phir mujhe, kyun tanha kar dia?!

(I will claim myself to be crazy, even if you cause grief, I will accept happiness,
You have never caused me sorrow before,
So why have you left me all alone now?)

Hold it there! 
The hero sings that he will blissfully accept any pain that the heroine inflicts upon him, but then, he complains when she leaves him, thereby causing him trauma! Just what did the lyricist purport to convey?!!! 

4) Oh maghaziya, oho mahaziya: (Tamil)

Oh maghaziya, oho maghaziya,
Nakumukka nakka, oh shakalaka, oho randaka!

Please don't expect me to translate this mumbo jumbo! I have not the faintest idea what they mean. The above lines are sort of an amalgamation of all the cockeyed words used in so many tamil songs. In fact, the entire song is composed of such meaningless words taken from different Tamil songs. Not a single word in the song makes any sense. Why?! JUST WHY?!!

5) Tera pyar pyar pyar hookah bar: (Hindi)

Tera pyar pyar pyar,
Hookah bar bar bar
Tera pyar pyar pyaar
Hookah bar

(Your love is akin to a Hookah bar) 
This song has a very catchy tune( which Pritam must've plagiarised from some Korean/Japanese/Arabic/Swahili song ),but the lyrics are way too absurd. *retches*

6) Daaru Desi (Hindi)

Chadi mujhe yaari teri aisi,
Jaise daaru desi!

(I am high on your friendship like I would get high after boozing on local arak)

*Nods head in disbelief* 

7) Konjum mainakale (Tamil)

.. Naalai verum kanavu, adhai naan yen nambanum?!
....Nooru kanavugal kandale, aaru kanavugal palikadho?

( Tomorrow is just a dream, so why should I believe in it?
Out of a plethora of dreams, wont atleast a couple of them come true?

The irony in these two lines is profound! In the first stanza the heroine is prancing about happily, singing that she doesn't believe in dreams. And then in the next she longs for her wishes to be fulfilled. Pretty indecisive lady, isn't she? Or rather, the lyricist isn't quite sure of what to pen down! *facebrick*

PS: More to be added to the list. If you know of any such song (such gems are aplenty! :P), do let me know. I will add them with due credit! 

All GIFs sourced from

UPDATE: My blogger app has been acting up. All the GIFs have managed to disappear magically from my post. Will update shortly! :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

No one is perfect!

Hello guys!

You must've figured out by now that I am not a professional writer. That is also quite evident from my blog title, but what if you misconstrued it as meaning that I am a veteran writer who is just trying to be humble? I know that it is usually the other way round, where novices try to feign proficiency in writing, but I am just stating the possibilities here. 

I used to write small stories when I was quite young, but as I grew up, I was introduced to the demonic world of computers. So gaming and pointless surfing tookover writing and sketching. ( Yes, I sketch and paint. Quite a multi-talented person I am! *Insert a cool emoji here* ) My interest in the English language too faded, and I was too occupied with downloading games from the internet that I was left with no time for anything else. I was the only one who knew to speak decent English without making grammatical errors in my school, so I was quite complacent with my minimal English knowledge. But then I came across people of my age who knew the meanings of quite difficult words ( or maybe, I 'felt' they were hard ) that I never even had heard of. One such example is nincompoop. YES! I didn't know what that meant! *Hides face in utter shame*


Then I decided that my English knowledge was terrible, and thus I had to update my lexicon. I started learning new words everyday. But my weak memory made me relearn the very same set of words over and over again. Exasperated, I gave up. Then I participated in a Spelling Bee competition in my school, made it through district level to national level, and bagged the first prize there. But victory doesn't come easy. I had to memorize a pocket-sized thesaurus, learn the spellings and meanings of over a thousand words.

                                                         gif trophy photo: TROPHY trophy.gif

For a couple of months after the competition, people used to dread conversing with me in English. I hurled tongue-twisting complex words at them, and would often challenge them to word games. They obviously refused.

But how good am I now? Not so great! I struggle to recall simple words, and stutter a lot. But I am getting better at it. That is the main reason why I started blogging. Once I learn to properly articulate my thoughts in English, I feel I will become an eloquent speaker of the language. I am still learning to write, so please bear with me. If you find any areas for improvement, feel free to point them out; I would be glad to work on them. As they say, practice makes a man perfect. ( This does contradict the title of this post. So for the moment assume that practice helps you gain near-perfection ) I am trying to ameliorate my writing skills, and I hope you will help me with that!

Aloha! :)

GIFs sourced from and

We are the Champions!!

We, err, I mean, CSK are the Champions of this year's CLT20, and I couldn't be happier.
I have been following cricket ever since I was three years old. There was something about this game that fascinated me. I grew up watching Sachin, Dravid and Dada play. I used to like them, I loved them, infact; but I couldn't call myself their fan. I just couldn't visualize me fangirling over anybody. But everything changed once a smart and handsome man with long and dyed locks, who was in his early twenties, entered the picture. 

Yes, I am talking about MS Dhoni, India's most successful Captain. There was something about him which instantly enamored me. I was only 9 years then. I didn't fall for him because of his looks, of course. He is absolutely dashing, but thats not why I started adoring him. I loved him for his simplicity, for his cool demeanor on and off the field, for the warmth that he exuded, for his humility, for his million dollar smile and ofcourse, for his batting and wicket-keeping. Until I became his fan, I used to follow cricket, but not with great zeal, partly because I lost interest in it after our 2003 World Cup Final debacle. But MSD changed that. I started keeping a track of all of India's matches with renewed vigor. I derived pleasure from his successes, and prayed for his success during his not-so good days.


Then, in 2007, he gave me one more reason to like him. He won the very first edition of ICC's T20 World Cup. And then India went gaga over him. Most people have confessed that they started liking him after his success at the World Cup. But I became his fan much before that! 

He then went on to achieve spectacular success, by winning WC 2011, the Border Gavaskar Trophy, and Champions Trophy among many others. This does not mean that he didn't have his share of failures. He is a human being, after all. But more often than not, he would return home triumphant after a series. He was nicknamed 'The man with the Midas Touch'. Amidst his unparalleled success at the International front. he performed delightfully well in the Domestic front too, better known as IPL.
 IPL took the cricketing world by storm. The idea of seeing their favourite players lock horns with each other somehow appealed to everyone. Different teams representing the various states/cities of India were formed and were welcomed with roaring success. MSD, luckily, was picked by Chennai Super Kings (CSK) after many rounds of bidding. Everyone wanted to have him in their side, but Chennai won the bidding battle. He instantly became every Chennaiite's darling. This also, unfortunately, ledto him earning a lot of haters that supported other teams. But haters (are) gonna hate, right? 

His winning streak continued in IPL too, as he helped CSK reach the knockout stage in every single season. Under his able captaincy, CSK reached 5 out of 7 finals and won 2 of them in a row, in 2011 and 2012. Isn't that pretty impressive? He also helped CSK win a Champions League T20 title. But that was back in 2010. After that, in spite of giving near-meticulous performance match after match, sadly, my team never managed to bag a title in T20 again.

This year, however, finally all of CSK's fans' dreams came true. We were longing to see Mahi ( MSD is affectionately addressed as Mahi ) lift that glorious cup for three long years. And that happened this October, on the 4th. CSK registered a thumping victory over KKR to win its second CLT20 trophy, thereby becoming the ONLY team to have won both the IPL and CLT20 twice! That is not surprising, considering that the team was led by a someone who is the FIRST and the LAST captain in the world to win all three of ICC's major titles: t20 WC in 2007, 50 over WC in 2011 and Champions Trophy in 2013. However, since this articles is not about Dhoni, I haven't written about all of his achievements. I intend on writing one about him soon, so keep watching this space!!

Coming back to where I left, CSK gave us immense happiness by winning the CLT20 this year. This team is not just any other sports franchise; its a part of our lives. The players are a part of our families. Dhoni, is not like my brother; he IS my brother. ( So don't question my intentions! :p ) 
Every time theres a league match, I flood twitter with posts. I just cant help cheering for this splendid team that has given me so many memories to cherish. Apart from being the most consistent team, it also is the most well-behaved team, both on and off the field. So, along with entertaining us, it also has taught us that you should neither let success get to your head, nor failure get to your heart; that you must stay grounded no matter how very successful you are; and that persistence is the key to success.

I am so proud to call myself a fan of this absolutely marvellous team. Rooting for any other team is just out of question. Forever a CSKian!!

Images sourced from Google.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Befuddlement over a name!!

Those of you who have been following my blog would have noticed that the blog's name has changed within a fortnight's time, or maybe even lesser than that! Why have I christened it differently? It was certainly me who came up with that tad ridiculous previous name, so why did I decide to change it? Here are the reasons:

1) Some people started confusing the blog for a Cookery Website. "Do you post recipes over there", I was asked by a few. They were highly sceptical about my blog, and I am sure they would have accused me of plagiarism mentally. Why? Because I cant, or rather, don't know to cook. So it is obvious that if I run a site about cookery, the recipes will most certainly not be mine! My greatest culinary accomplishment has been making noodles! What an achievement indeed! ( Well, I have a feeling that you all have already begun to sympathise with my future husband! You don't have to, though, because I know that somewhere inside me, I am harbouring the cookery skills akin to those of Sanjeev Kapoor. Where exactly are those latent skills to found, is a question that remains to be answered! ) Anyway, I had a hard time explaining that the blog had nothing to do with food. "Why on earth would you choose to name a blog after food when it has absolutely zilch to do with it?", they asked in a rather scornful manner. I fathomed that some ( well, most ) of them were of the opinion that I had lost it.  Their reactions were something similar to this:  

 2) Once I had cleared people's misconceptions about my blog, I decided that there would be no ambiguity in my blog's new name (or is it rather called URL, or web address?! I am sorry, I am not sure). So while I was racking my brain, I decided that even if my posts don't, at least the name of the blog should inspire awe and sow seeds of interests in the readers' minds. Thus I settled at niftymentations. People will, or might, come here looking for great ideas that inspire them, or in the hope that I will help them take a fresh perspective on things, or at least give them the dose of motivation they have been longing for, because that is what exactly the blog's name purports to mean. Am I delivering upon that? I am not sure. But if not for anything else, I am sure that I would have, at the least, inspired them to open a blog of their own. "If SHE can write, so can I", they MIGHT have thought dismissively! So if at all I have succeeded in inspiring any of you to do so, do drop me a line in the comments box!! This however, doesn't by any chance mean that you're supposed to comment only if you're contemptuous of my blog!! Feel free to write all the wonderful things that come to your mind! ( Just making things clear over here, you see! )

3) I am a girl. And a pretty indecisive one, just like the others. So I am entitled to change my mind as many times as I want. Just like how I change my outfit 10 times before ending up wearing the very same dress that I had chosen in the beginning, I can, and most certainly will keep changing my mind. My opinions oscillate all the time. I either utterly deify someone, or otherwise detest them completely. There are NO in-betweens. For those of you who don't know, my blog was initially named idliandpizza, and then I changed it to dosasandpizzas, and NOW it stands at niftymentations. What a dramatic transformation! Almost like the blog ( or its name, rather ) has been transmogrified!! Not only the name of the blog, but I was in a horrible dilemma over the name of this post too! I was not able to come up with anything that could help the readers comprehend what this post is all about. After thinking  for over 10 minutes, an idea FINALLY struck me! I was addled and unable to come up with a proper name, so why not, I thought, name the post just that!! Thus I decided to christen it 'befuddlement over a name'. Whether it appears smart or stupid to others, the sad truth is, I am not very creative or eloquent when it comes to, well, expressing my thoughts. However, coming back to the viewpoint regarding the dress, will I finally revert to the original blog name? The answer is, I don't know! Why?! Because, I am indecisive. Or maybe, I am not! I am not so sure anymore!! 


GIF sourced from
Image sourced from Google

Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh those "lovely" summers!

I have seen a lot of people residing in the colder parts of Europe and America quetch about how much they loathe the winters/monsoons, and wish it was summer already! Everytime I step out of my home in Dubai, these people INSTANTLY come to my mind! EVERY SINGLE TIME!!


As most of you know, Dubai is a desert. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that it is sweltering hot here during most days of the year. It is scorching hot during the day, and the temperature continues to soar as the day progresses.. Using a parasol wont do you much good. There is no SHADE ANYWHERE!! Even the nights aren't spared. It is sultry even at around 11pm! Trust me, I am NOT hyperbolising. 

While the ice-bucket challenge is quite popular globally currently, UAE residents have been undertaking the " Blistering" bucket challenge, day in and day out! You don't have to switch on the water heater here during the summer ( which lasts for roughly about 9 months! ). All you have to do is turn the tap, and there you go! Steaming hot water gushes forth! Extremely attractive to those who are looking for ways to cut down their electricity bill, isn't it? However, this will be more than compensated for by their energy bill for having kept the AC switched on, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!

Anyway, the story about the unbearable summers in Dubai doesn't end there! If you venture out of your home for a few minutes, you begin to wish that you lived in Iceland instead! Worse still, you return looking like a burnt potato ( thereby also shattering a woman's dream of finding a fair skinned daughter in law for her son, who probably shares the complexion of a Raven ).

The situation is exacerbated if you're brown like me. You HAVE to apply three layers of SPF 50+ sunblock before you bless the outdoors with your presence. You struggle to fit in your sunblock lotion into your bag that already is hardly accomodating your brolly, sunglasses and several bottles of water ( rather, life-fluid! ) Over here, life is honestly easier for the White-skinned ones! They don't have to shell out a penny to fake a tan. They don't even have to bother visiting the beach-side! ALL  they have to do is step into their balconies for a few minutes! Voila! Mission accomplished!! Life is unfair like that. I once picked up a tanning lotion mistaking it for a sunblock! Imagine what an earth-shattering realization it would've been when I noticed my almost unforgivable folly!! However, I have never understood why the white skinned people yearn for sun-kissed, brown hued skin, while those who are blessed with brown skin long for that pinkish complexion! India's obsession with white skin can be attributed to the numerous Fairness Cream Ads that are televised everyday in Indian Channels. "Not fair = Not good" is the idea perpetrated notoriously by these ridiculous ads, thereby cultivating feelings of inferiority in the minds of those who are not fair. The promises made by these ads are ridiculous, to say the least. Immensely pressurized to look fair, and let down by these products that caused all this tension in the first place, most brown girls step out of their homes mildly resembling this girl who has draped herself in a white blanket:


Anyway, this post doesn't intend on debating whether fair skin is a desirable quality or not, which must have been quite evident from its title! 

So, cutting the cackle, if these people cant stand the perennial winters or the constant downpours in their country of domicile, ALL I want to tell them is - YALLA HABIBI!! Come to Dubai!!!

Images sourced from Google.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hi There!

A big hello to the people who have nothing better to do at the moment, and hence are going through my blog!

First things first! Why the name Dosas and Pizzas? Frankly speaking, I had other names in mind. Nothing very intellectual, but nothing lamer either. But apparently, there are other people out there who think along my lines, and I am not very pleased about it! They have stolen my ideas for a blog name before I could even come up with them! So unprofessional, I say! I digress, and I will continue to do so, so I apologize in advance. Very polite of me, I know!  


So, coming back to where I started, though I couldn't come up with any other name using my grey matter that just refused to co-operate with me, I finally ended up with the one I have chosen. But you see, it speaks volumes about the average Indian, or rather, South Indian to be specific. Though we begin our mornings with a breakfast consisting of Dosa, we prefer to end the night on something fancier, like a Pizza, or if you're akin to me, preferably some North Indian delicacy.
Our lives depend on this delicate balance between juggling Indian and Western Culture.( How is a North Indian delicacy supposed to form part of WESTERN CULTURE, you might ask. And my blog's name will answer your question. Hence the name, Dosa and PIZZA. But, is pizza part of WESTERN cuisine? Who knows? )
We wear jeans, but nothing beats the beauty of an Indian girl decked up in traditional Indian attire. We are Indian on the inside, and wish we looked like a westerner on the outside. At times, we masquarade like Westerners, to impress a non-entity. But thats not the point here. The crux is, we try to balance the best of both worlds. Getting my point? Good!

So why pizza? I don't know of any other Int'l dishes, pasta and the like dont just appeal to me. And moreover most of us are more familiar with Pizzas than the other cornucopia of foreign dishes out there. AND Pizza rhymes well with Dosa. At least I feel so.

One more question might be running in your minds. Why preference for Dosas? Doesn't that constitute prejudice against the better looking Idlis? I will leave that for you guys to crack!

Thats it for now! Will try to come up with better stuff in the near future (provided my brain acquiesces)


PS: The real reason behind the christening of my blog is .... MY LOVE  FOR FOOD!! 

Image sourced from Google.