
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Befuddlement over a name!!

Those of you who have been following my blog would have noticed that the blog's name has changed within a fortnight's time, or maybe even lesser than that! Why have I christened it differently? It was certainly me who came up with that tad ridiculous previous name, so why did I decide to change it? Here are the reasons:

1) Some people started confusing the blog for a Cookery Website. "Do you post recipes over there", I was asked by a few. They were highly sceptical about my blog, and I am sure they would have accused me of plagiarism mentally. Why? Because I cant, or rather, don't know to cook. So it is obvious that if I run a site about cookery, the recipes will most certainly not be mine! My greatest culinary accomplishment has been making noodles! What an achievement indeed! ( Well, I have a feeling that you all have already begun to sympathise with my future husband! You don't have to, though, because I know that somewhere inside me, I am harbouring the cookery skills akin to those of Sanjeev Kapoor. Where exactly are those latent skills to found, is a question that remains to be answered! ) Anyway, I had a hard time explaining that the blog had nothing to do with food. "Why on earth would you choose to name a blog after food when it has absolutely zilch to do with it?", they asked in a rather scornful manner. I fathomed that some ( well, most ) of them were of the opinion that I had lost it.  Their reactions were something similar to this:  

 2) Once I had cleared people's misconceptions about my blog, I decided that there would be no ambiguity in my blog's new name (or is it rather called URL, or web address?! I am sorry, I am not sure). So while I was racking my brain, I decided that even if my posts don't, at least the name of the blog should inspire awe and sow seeds of interests in the readers' minds. Thus I settled at niftymentations. People will, or might, come here looking for great ideas that inspire them, or in the hope that I will help them take a fresh perspective on things, or at least give them the dose of motivation they have been longing for, because that is what exactly the blog's name purports to mean. Am I delivering upon that? I am not sure. But if not for anything else, I am sure that I would have, at the least, inspired them to open a blog of their own. "If SHE can write, so can I", they MIGHT have thought dismissively! So if at all I have succeeded in inspiring any of you to do so, do drop me a line in the comments box!! This however, doesn't by any chance mean that you're supposed to comment only if you're contemptuous of my blog!! Feel free to write all the wonderful things that come to your mind! ( Just making things clear over here, you see! )

3) I am a girl. And a pretty indecisive one, just like the others. So I am entitled to change my mind as many times as I want. Just like how I change my outfit 10 times before ending up wearing the very same dress that I had chosen in the beginning, I can, and most certainly will keep changing my mind. My opinions oscillate all the time. I either utterly deify someone, or otherwise detest them completely. There are NO in-betweens. For those of you who don't know, my blog was initially named idliandpizza, and then I changed it to dosasandpizzas, and NOW it stands at niftymentations. What a dramatic transformation! Almost like the blog ( or its name, rather ) has been transmogrified!! Not only the name of the blog, but I was in a horrible dilemma over the name of this post too! I was not able to come up with anything that could help the readers comprehend what this post is all about. After thinking  for over 10 minutes, an idea FINALLY struck me! I was addled and unable to come up with a proper name, so why not, I thought, name the post just that!! Thus I decided to christen it 'befuddlement over a name'. Whether it appears smart or stupid to others, the sad truth is, I am not very creative or eloquent when it comes to, well, expressing my thoughts. However, coming back to the viewpoint regarding the dress, will I finally revert to the original blog name? The answer is, I don't know! Why?! Because, I am indecisive. Or maybe, I am not! I am not so sure anymore!! 


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Image sourced from Google

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