
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Coping with exam pressure

My exams are in about a month, and I am extremely stressed.
I have been the topper throughout; both in school and college. I scored 95% in my twelfth boards, with a centum in mathematics. I breezed through school, but college life hasn't been so kind. I still manage to top the exams; I scored the highest marks in UAE in three out of five papers; but I am no longer the person who would walk about without a care a day before the exam and the results. I still loll about the day before my exams, but the eve of the results manages to kill all my enthusiasm, and at times, even my will to live. I am not kidding! I do pass with flying colors at the end, but the night before results, I fidget nervously. Neither do I eat in peace, nor do I let others do so. 

Studying definitely is a daunting process, irrespective of how very intelligent you are, all thanks to the sheer volume of information that you are expected to absorb. The thickness of the books makes my head spin in horror. Am I really supposed to study ALL THAT?!! Just because someone is in University,   their memory size doesn't automatically expand by 200GB! Our brains do evolve ( or atleast, it is believed that they do! ) as we grow, helping us store more information. But it is just unrealistic to expect someone to regurgitate volumes and volumes of complex information in less than three months! Most students struggle to manage their time, thereby performing poorly! However, since there is no option available other than understanding and applying the vast ocean of knowledge embedded in textbooks, I feel that there are certain ways to help you somehow tide over these extremely "testing" times!!

1) Sleep well! Getting enough sleep is a sure shot way to ensure your brain is relaxed after all the torture you have subjected it to. Get atleast 7-8 hours of sleep.

2) Don't skip meals! EVER! Not eating well will result in crankiness, and difficulty in concentrating too. I have experienced this personally!

3) Plan your schedule. This is easier said than done. Though I always chart out a plan, I seldom stick to it. If I did, I would secure much more marks than I am getting presently.

4) Don't fret! You have to study everything; theres no other go. Worrying will not help you in any way; rather, you will be wasting your precious time that could have been well spent in studying! 

5) Revise all the difficult portions twice. You can spend less time studying the easier parts of the syllabus; concentrate on the hard ones!!

6) DONT REVISE AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR!! This is very important! Revising minutes before entering the exam hall will do you more harm than good! You tend to feel that you don't know anything; even those lessons that you studied thoroughly will seem vague. Studying at the last minute is suicidal! 

7) Forget about the exam once you're done with it! Don't ever discuss the answers once you come out of the hall. This is important to maintain your sanity. Performing a post-mortem of the paper will cause unnecessary stress; you can not change what you have written, so whats the point in knowing that you've answered a particular question wrong? Thats what the result day is meant for- you will eventually come to know how well you've performed! So stop going over the answers with your friends; chances are that your peers are completely wrong!

These tips have helped me, but the anxiety that comes with the knowledge that you have to appear for  a very tough exam soon is inevitable! All we can do is give it our everything and leave the rest to God!

Wish me luck for the exams!!