
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hi There!

A big hello to the people who have nothing better to do at the moment, and hence are going through my blog!

First things first! Why the name Dosas and Pizzas? Frankly speaking, I had other names in mind. Nothing very intellectual, but nothing lamer either. But apparently, there are other people out there who think along my lines, and I am not very pleased about it! They have stolen my ideas for a blog name before I could even come up with them! So unprofessional, I say! I digress, and I will continue to do so, so I apologize in advance. Very polite of me, I know!  


So, coming back to where I started, though I couldn't come up with any other name using my grey matter that just refused to co-operate with me, I finally ended up with the one I have chosen. But you see, it speaks volumes about the average Indian, or rather, South Indian to be specific. Though we begin our mornings with a breakfast consisting of Dosa, we prefer to end the night on something fancier, like a Pizza, or if you're akin to me, preferably some North Indian delicacy.
Our lives depend on this delicate balance between juggling Indian and Western Culture.( How is a North Indian delicacy supposed to form part of WESTERN CULTURE, you might ask. And my blog's name will answer your question. Hence the name, Dosa and PIZZA. But, is pizza part of WESTERN cuisine? Who knows? )
We wear jeans, but nothing beats the beauty of an Indian girl decked up in traditional Indian attire. We are Indian on the inside, and wish we looked like a westerner on the outside. At times, we masquarade like Westerners, to impress a non-entity. But thats not the point here. The crux is, we try to balance the best of both worlds. Getting my point? Good!

So why pizza? I don't know of any other Int'l dishes, pasta and the like dont just appeal to me. And moreover most of us are more familiar with Pizzas than the other cornucopia of foreign dishes out there. AND Pizza rhymes well with Dosa. At least I feel so.

One more question might be running in your minds. Why preference for Dosas? Doesn't that constitute prejudice against the better looking Idlis? I will leave that for you guys to crack!

Thats it for now! Will try to come up with better stuff in the near future (provided my brain acquiesces)


PS: The real reason behind the christening of my blog is .... MY LOVE  FOR FOOD!! 

Image sourced from Google.

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